Dental Sealants in Hot Springs, AR

At Diamond Lakes Dental in Hot Springs, AR, we offer dental sealants as a preventive measure to protect your teeth from decay. Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, where decay commonly occurs. They act as a barrier, sealing out bacteria and food particles from the vulnerable grooves and pits of the teeth.

Our dental sealants are made of a safe and durable resin material that bonds to the tooth enamel. The process is quick, painless, and non-invasive, making it an ideal option for patients of all ages. By applying dental sealants, we can effectively reduce the risk of cavities and preserve your teeth' natural strength and integrity.


Process of Dental Sealants

Thorough Cleaning: Before applying dental sealants, our dentist will clean and prepare the teeth to ensure optimal bonding and effectiveness.

Tooth Preparation: The tooth surface is gently etched to create a slightly rough texture, allowing the sealant material to adhere securely to the tooth.

Sealant Application: A tooth-colored sealant material is carefully applied to the grooves and pits of the teeth. The sealant forms a protective barrier, sealing out bacteria and food particles.

Bonding and Curing: The sealant is bonded to the tooth enamel using a special light that helps harden and set the material in place.

Bite Assessment: Our dentist will check the bite and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and proper fit of the sealants.

Protect Your Smile with Dental Sealants