Best Sedation Dentistry in Hot Springs, AR

For many, a trip to the dentist feels like a daunting task, but for those grappling with dental anxieties, the prospect of even sitting in the examination chair can be overwhelming. At Diamond Lakes Dental in Hot Springs, AR, our dentists offer a range of sedation dentistry solutions. These options ensure that you can maintain the health and cleanliness of your mouth and address any dental concerns without fear or apprehension.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation / Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide offers a safe and rapid way to induce relaxation within seconds during procedures. While under its influence, patients remain fully conscious and able to follow instructions without fear. Some may even experience a sense of light-heartedness during treatment. The beauty of nitrous oxide lies in its reversibility with oxygen, eliminating the need for arrangements for transportation to and from the dentist.

Oral Conscious Sedation

For those with severe dental phobia, we provide a stronger solution. Oral conscious sedation involves taking a sedative an hour before your appointment, inducing a relaxed, dream-like state. While you'll remain conscious and aware, many patients won't recall their appointment. Effects wear off quickly afterward, leaving you feeling normal. However, arranging transportation to and from the dentist is necessary with this option.

Combat Dental Anxiety for Optimal Oral Health